Monday, March 29, 2010

Why no kids?

I love kids. In many ways I want kids. I make a great uncle right?

I have often feared the birthing process. Raising kids and eventually dealing with their experience in the real world. But my greatest fear....

PICKING A NAME! Seriously...

My name is Walter Everett Frasier IV - yep the fourth. I was not named after the Knicks star but rather my father, grandfather and great greand father. So many times I have been asked - "When is Walter Everett Frasier V going to make an appearance?"

But what if I had a kid today? What would I name it? Would I have any say in the matter at all? Laurice has so many reason for naming the kid after lost loved ones taken from this world way to soon. We both have so many great friends and family to consider. Would anyone feel snubbed if we chose one over another? I just can't take the pressure.

If it's a boy, can I really have my seed deal with all the comparisons to the Knicks? Or whenever Mom or wife yell, Walter, he will have to deal with three of us yellin, WHAT!?!

If its a girl, do we need another Mary (love you all but it is so confusing) at family reunions? With strong Irish Catholic roots on both sides I have more Mary's than the West Village.

Oh the humanity...

Perhaps we should have a son named Spero Frasier


There is HOPE!!!

Just watched a report on the continuing Pope / Molesting Priest Scandal. All week I read stories about John Edwards, Jesse James and Tiger Woods. I am digging hard to get the real deal on health care. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Volcanos are tearing the earth apart!

What do these all have in common?


One, there is a growing sense that the world is going to hell. As if all of the sudden everything is falling apart at once.

Two, the press - including alternative media - are ever more present. You can be an investigative reporter with your sell phone. Outlets like TMZ, Daily Show and Twitters break and dive deeper into scandals and then the mainstream press. It often feel more and more depressing knowing what is out there.


Rich and Powerful are getting away with theft, murder and moral/ethical horrors.

Politicians lie to save their asses and hide their ties to special interests.

Or biggest heroes in sports are addicts and violent gun toting monsters.

Today's media technology has opened our eyes. We are going through a necessary path of new awareness. One that causes pain and suffering. But I believe it is the funnel of an hour glass we are currently passing through.

There will always be crimes of passion but this new awareness will lead to more and more assholes realizing it is harder to get away with planned theft and murder. Our political leaders will be unable to lie to us and will be voted out more regularly, as they should. Going further, hopefully less kids will be lured into a world of drugs. Education is not the key to saving our children. 100% transparency is.

But we have to realize that these a-holes were always present. Now we are just more aware. And I believe over time, these new eye openng