Wednesday, February 6, 2013

STARS from LES MISERABLES (Cover) by Walt Frasier

POOP finalest, Katherine O'Grady, Interview with Bobby Milles

Have you heard? I am making a movie!!! I am more of the producer although I will be making a cameo in this as the father of one of the main cast members. We need your help. The great thing about crowd funding everyone can get involved at a minimal commitment - as low as $1. For just $20 you can help us in a major way and be one of the first to see the hilarious finished film via NYC Premier Private Viewing OR Digital Download.

Sexy Hollywood Starlet Slams into Competition

Have you heard? I am making a movie!!! I am more of the producer although I will be making a cameo in this as the father of one of the main cast members. We need your help.
We are hoping to crowd-fund this project via KICKSTARTER. We need to raise $10,000 to make it happen. But the great thing about crowd funding everyone can get involved at a minimal commitment - as low as $1. For just $20 you can help us in a major way and be one of the first to see the hilarious finished film via NYC Premier Private Viewing OR Digital Download.

Join us for the P.O.O.P. Championship Competition

Have you heard? I am making a movie!!! I am more of the producer although I will be making a cameo in this as the father of one of the main cast members. We need your help.

We are hoping to crowd-fund this project via KICKSTARTER. We need to raise $10,000 to make it happen. But the great thing about crowd funding everyone can get involved at a minimal commitment - as low as $1. For just $20 you can help us in a major way and be one of the first to see the hilarious finished film via NYC Premier Private Viewing OR Digital Download.