OK! Perhaps one year left to go on the decade for all of you "THERE IS NO YEAR ZERO!" types.
CAN'T SLEEP. It's 4am. I am in Binghampton, NY. Just had great gig for FIRST NIGHT. I went to bed early. Rudely woken up at 11:45 EST to watch Dick Clark and the Times Square Ball drop. After a few sips of Asti and I was back to sleep by 12:15 EST.
Quick note: Seriously, Dick, isn't time to retire. Loved you growing up. I remember the last few years of American Band Stand with Madonna, Prince and other early 80's upstarts. Loved watching Bloopers and Practical jokes. Loved you on the ROCKIN' NEW YEARS EVE for decades. But the past 2-3 years has been painful to watch. SAD. The comments are unintelligible. An unnecessary after thought to the real show. And Seacrest does a great job. The last two years have been ample transition. Go relax. Clearly this is past your bedtime at this point. I mean really.... the only thing you really had to do was count 20 to 1. Skipping 13 and 11 and then going 10, 11,, 9, 8 oops....
Ok - back to my current dilemma. For those that don't know the BEHIND THE SCENES of EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH and company, I have a reputation for making numerous strange noises. Some disgusting; Many hilarious as I drift off like dad at the Thanksgiving table. Allergies and over eating lead to some interesting sounds. But being a light sleeper, I usually do not go on for hours snoring, as the first big snort wakes me up as well.
I just woke up to a chorus of sounds rivaling a herd of bulls in heat. Laurice and I are sharing a room with Spero. Amelia and Chris are in the next room. (Actually 3 doors down). Spero sounds like an Ogre Whistling - A very high pitched growl. Laurice sounds like a Russian guard pissed because the vodka ran out. But together they sound as if processed by ghosts in conversation. Spero with a long train blow warning of the bridge being out followed by Laurice in a short boorish grunt.
When i rolled out of Bed, Laurice stopped. I was really hoping to record the paranormal phenom on the web cam. OF WELL. Spero just rolled over in silence. Now 4:26.
I just had to make a record of this moment. So the next time these guys complain about me snoring, I want them to record it, because I contend it does not get worse than this.
LMAO, our off-broadway cmusical comedy revue, is doing great this week!!! Huge crowds. Great shows. TONS of fun!!! Starting the day after Christmas, we had two shows Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at the Theater. Our busiest show was Wednesday at 3pm. Right after we rushed to Fairlawn, NJ to perform at the rec center (third time there in 6 weeks) and then here in Binghampton where we performed two shows back to back last night.
This weekend we wrap up the holiday season with Friday 8:15; Saturday 3 & 8:15; Sunday 4 & 8; Monday 8:15 and Tuesday 8:15.

Can't wait till next Wednesday when I can sleep all day before driving to Chevy Chase, Maryland for our first school gig of the year!