So this is the TOP headline listed on YAHOO today. A news article about a new subject. SERIOUSLY? This is the best you got.
AP - The Tiger Woods sex scandal has been a boon for online publications, even though it hasn't generated the same amount of Internet traffic as Michael Jackson's death or President Barack Obama's inauguration.
Does anyone take the "NEWS" serious anymore. This from the AP. Anyone not think "NEWS" is an entertainment business? Anyone think "NEWS" is a service to the American people. "NEWS" does no more than numb and dumb us down when it is supposed to inform and educate.
AP - The Tiger Woods sex scandal has been a boon for online publications, even though it hasn't generated the same amount of Internet traffic as Michael Jackson's death or President Barack Obama's inauguration.
Does anyone take the "NEWS" serious anymore. This from the AP. Anyone not think "NEWS" is an entertainment business? Anyone think "NEWS" is a service to the American people. "NEWS" does no more than numb and dumb us down when it is supposed to inform and educate.
With Obama declaring war, Senate shoving legislation down our throats and Americans bullied in the Italian Kangaroo Court, top billing goes to a "NEWS" story about a "NEWS" story as if they were comparing box office records for TWILIGHT versus DARK NIGHT.
I need to go to therapy for "NEWS" Addiction right along side Tiger and his Sex Addiction. Don't get me started there. SEX addiction is different from using money and power to set up an elaborate system of HOs waiting for you at every corner. That is called excess. An international organization of prostitution on speed dial is called total disrespect for your wife and kids. All this BS about additions and syndromes just gives self blowing PhDs a reason to bore us on CNN and the like. You want the real name for Tiger's "Problem? It's called "I'm the president of the USA and if I want a presidential intern BJ, That's what I get" syndrome! It's called "I got a way with it once, let's do it again until I get caught" syndrome. It's called "I'm a Kennedy, whats a few murders among brothers" syndrome. It's called " Money and Power allows one to be a total Douche Bag" syndrome.
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