Friday, January 15, 2010

Laugh My A$$ Off For Haitian Relief

A major earthquake hit Haiti at 5PM on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, destroying buildings and wreaking havoc in the congested capital of Port-Au-Prince. The 7.0 magnitude quake, which hit south of the Haitian capital, is feared to have killed hundreds, even thousands, of people across the Caribbean country. It is the worst earthquake to have hit Haiti in two centuries. (From Concern Worldwide)

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Laugh My A$$ Off-Broadway - Hilarious send ups of todays headlines, original characters and even YOUR life story are totally improvised through sketch and musical comedy based on audience suggestions and participation. Now Playing Off Broadway at the MIDTWON THEATER (at HA), 163 West 46th Street, NY NY 10036. At this special presentation of LMAOff-Bway, every penny from ticket sales will be donated to Haitian Relief. Our Goal is to raise $5000 from this one night so come on out, see a GREAT show and show your support for those in need. Please pass this event on to all your contacts.

TICKETS: OR Bring your checks to the theater TUESDAY and write check directly to CONCERN WORLDWIDE

Choose January 19 at 7pm and select one of the following tickets
$100 VIP
$50 General Admission
$20 SRO - Give What You Can - Seats provided as available

Featuring many of our new players.

Come see the next generation of EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH!!!
MC - Walt Frasier
The Players: Laurice Fattal, Alena Acker, Paul Degrocco, Amelia Fowler, Erin Kelly Phillips, Evan Schultz & More

We will donate 100% of our efforts to CONCERN WORLDWIDE

Concern has been active in emergency relief, development and disaster prevention work in Haiti since 1994 following Hurricane Gordon. Since then the program has evolved to include long term development programming as well as emergency interventions. Concern currently intervenes in 3 geographic areas: La Gonave, Central Plateau (based in Saut d’Eau) and poor neighborhoods in metropolitan Port-au-Prince.

• Concern is uniquely positioned as a leader in this crisis and is one of very few that responded immediately because were are located at the heart of the disaster in Port au Prince.

• Concern has been working in Haiti for 16 years and has established teams, partners, and we are based in Port-au-Prince

• They are there now, were there when the quake hit, and are responding now

• Their infrastructure is intact—almost every other agency with existing operations in Haiti is in disarray, we can say that –thankfully, our building is intact, and our core team is accounted for and working now

• They are based at the heart of the disaster—we have our Rapid Deployment Unit flying into Haiti as we speak to deliver emergency response coordination, emergency logistics, water/sanitatiton engineering, and delivery of emergency health/nutrition services to support the exiting team that is already working in Port-au-Prince

• They have 41 years of experience in sudden onset natural disasters as well as emergencies caused by war and civil conflict—this is our area of expertise.

• They have long-standing relationships with local partners and communities on the ground in Haiti—that is vital to an effective, rapid emergency response and we are activating those networks and relationships now

• They will respond not only to the emergency, but will remain to transition the most vulnerable from crisis to recovery and long-term rehabilitation. This is a core strength for Concern—our expertise is in BOTH: rapid, efficient emergency aid AND recovery, rehabilitation and long-term development. We will be there when the cameras leave and we will stay until we are not needed.

• They have existing programs in Haiti that are in place already—have been for 16 years—to support long-term recovery efforts

• Have connections at local, district and national level with Haitian government agencies in Health, Education, humanitarian affairs, etc. and deep long-standing connections with the UN in Haiti

CAN'T MAKE it to the Event DONATE NOW:
Red Cross, call 1-800-733-2767 or text "HAITI" to "90999" and $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross, charged to your cell phone bill

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