Thursday, February 11, 2010

New PRESS Release

New Interactive Musical Comedy Hits Off Broadway

Laughing My Ankles Off, a new interactive musical comedy is now open to tickle your funny bone.

Now running off-Broadway this musical comedy has a lot to offer to its audiences. Experienced stage artists, leaving no stone unturned, make the shows ridiculously hilarious for all ages.

LMAO features the cast of Walt Frasier, Spero Chumas, and Laurice Fattal. LMAO ensures frequent appearances of many guest artists who can knock people off their seats. Recent guests include Charles Murray (Dreamgirls on Broadway) and Lee Markham (Altar Boys).

“Every audience is unique. No two shows alike.”
- Laurice Fattal, Cast Member

Now, what the audience will actually get to see when they are here can’t be told now because the subject matter changes everyday. The improvised skits and musicals, based on today’s burning issues, are completely unique and can range from totally silly to witty humor. No politician, author or celebrity would be able to escape the notoriety of the performers who are known to provoke uncontrollable laughter from the audience.

Recent shows have included spoofs - often presented in song - of Dexter, ICarly, Family guy, American Idol, Twilight, Harry Potter, Tiger Woods and a lot more. Music combined with humor can be a deadly combination so enter at your own risk.

LMAO ( currently runs off-Broadway the Midtown Theater (163 West 46th Street, NY NY 10036) in the heart of Times Square.

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