I grew up thinking I was fat. Always felt big. Never felt held back by it but definitely felt shy. Not comfortable talking to girls, except for my horrible one liner attempts to make them laugh - explaining my current comic style. Wearing sweat pants often to hide rolls of fat that just were not there. Not sure why I was so obsessed that I was bigger. Recently family and friends have been posting pics with me from various stages of life. It is only in recent years that one would truly call me fat. OBESE! Unhealthy wise. A particular photo recently emerged. ME as Harold Hill in a college summer production of THE MUSIC MAN. The height of my leading man days, and the climax, I was very proud of my ability to loose weight to play these roles. Giving up alcohol and eating tons of veggies and fruit. Mostly brocoli and grapefruit. Soon after this role, I, having just turned 21, began drinking and eating at bars after shows and rehearsals. Late night binging returned me to world of character man by that Christmas season. Clinging to hopes of romantic roles as an actor, I turn heavy to Opera. After many wasted dollars on expensive teachers, a few amazing opportunities in both Opera and Broadway classics, I discovered my current career as Improv Comic. Now I am actually fat - HUGE - and I make jokes. Secretly I have terrible moments of depression. Like so many I turn insecurity into over compensation - fake extraverted behavior - to hide actual pain. I am almost bipolar with my highs and lows. Some think I am.
I am currently motived - highly so - to recreate old glories. Two years ago I lost 55 pounds. 352 to 297 thanks to weight watchers. Just two weeks ago I topped out this time around at 357+. Last Sunday (10/2) I got down below 350. SInce then I have climbed back to 354 and back today to 549. This is the third day in a row I spent 10-15 minutes with 6lb weights doing simple aerobic and boxing workout. Some walking. Eating a lot more salad and fruit. Trying to eat big breakfast of cereal or Egg Beaters omelet. Skipping late nite snacks. Time to get serious! Time to STAY serious!!!
The road to excess weight....
At the Circus with youger bro and sis and creepy clown |
Junior High Jazz Band |
Spring 1992 - Rehearsal for CHESS
2007 Jimmy's Reviews |
 Letterman Spring 2006  |
In Pirates of Penzance Fall 1994 |
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