Friday, July 16, 2010

Earthquake in Gaithersburg??? Seriously Folks!!!

The best details I found are at this link.
More at,0,2573270.story

OMG - As I get closer to hosting the 20-year class reunion for GAITHERSBURG HIGH SCHOOL, this shake comes at quite a shock. My parents are in Europe so I have no fear.

3.6 Magnitude Earthquake hist the Gaithersburg/ Germantown area and felt in towns all over Maryland, Washington DC and even Virginia. They say this is biggest record tremor in MD history. Closest was a 3.1 back in 1978.

Rumors that a Volcano is coming are greatly exaggerated LMAO

How crazy is this??? This is the most Gaithersburg has shaken since I tripped and fell on stage at Improv 4 Kids show.

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