We had a great gig in Warren NJ today. Spero, John Gleason and Chris Liedenfrost-Wilson joined Laurice and I for two shows. Tons of fun round trip in the NAVY -8-OR. Great Breakfast/Lunch at a diner COUNTRY SQUIRES. Pumpkin Pancakes make all of us happy. Unimpressed with Taylor Pork Roll. Good French Dip for Laurice. So we pull into the school and there is a FAMOUS DAVE's BBQ truck dropping off lunch for the kids. SERIOUSLY, this is a regular occurance. So remember all of those crappy school lunches. Pizza Friday being the highlight, we suffered rubbery hamburgers and runny wrapped dog food they dared called a burrito with that toxic cheese sauce. These New Jersey upstarts get restaurant catered lunch everyday but Tuesday. Burger King, REAL pizza from amazinging local joint, Wendy's, McDonalds, Local Deli Sandwiches AND FAMOUS DAVE's. The whole school smelled like PIT BBQ. I am ready to go back to school. Maybe they need atheater or music teacher. Heck i will be the hall monitor to get Famous Dave's BBQ once a week. ANYWAY.... We have two amazing shows - HILARIOUS!!! Great kids. Fun Audience. After the show, a bunch of kids came up to John "You look like Shaggy" and "Are you Jon Heder?" Especially after his voices in Authors. John will have to remind me what character he was portaying. Chris was doing the Dr. Suess and slipped into John's character voice. "Your voice is addicting" Now i have to comment on this towns civil planning. At least for the shopping malls. Of course being Jersey there is a series of strip malls on every corner. But no entrance/exit seemed to work normally. Each one either had a DO NOT ENTER sign, NO LEFT TURN, NO RIGHT TURN, etc and I seemed to violate every single one - making left turns from obviously right turning ramps etc. This happend at the bank, gas station, diner, and convenient store on the way out of town. We get back to the city. With the Yankee game coming soon, traffic is getting thick. We drive down to 145th street to get a photo inspection for our new car insurance (***SEE BELOW FOR FULL STORY***) and then we decide to head to Marble Hill Target, stock up on some groceries. Spero joins us as he has little shopping in his ghetto on the east side. Laurice is now driving so I can check on some emails from clients (QUITE A FEW ACTUALLY - Holiday is going to be busy season HO HO HO - I don't care if deemed wrong now I will always say HO HO HO and it has nothing to do with Madonna or your girlfriend so get over it) Me in the back, Spero is supposedly navigating. Anxiety is high from the bad traffic. We are all joking around. Listening to the Yankees. John Sterling starts talking about how great the Boston Pitcher is, seconds later we are lighting him up with hits. He gets out of the inning with just 1 run earned, but it was the beginning of the end or that guy. So I look up and say "You really need to turn right ASAP so we don't end up in the Bronx" What I did not realize.... i was too late. We were already on the bridge headed for Yankee war zone. We drive right pass it when i make the following video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElPrh8DjTLYLONG STORY SHORT - One should never drive past Yankee Stadium during a game. EVEN WORSE while they play a very important playoff berth battle with the Boston Red Sox. Should not even drive anywhere in a 10 mile radius. So we are navigating the streets as a team. Almost hitting scalpers and traffic cops. one officer is waving us to go. i mean getting pissed that we are not moving, while a black car/limo is literally inches in front of us. etc etc etc
WATCH PART TWO - As the drama unfolds, Spero fears I might have to use his bathroom.
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