Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Found at the Royal Wedding-- Top 8 at EIGHT

Hot topics, discussion and commentary about eight news headlines: Osama is Dead, Obama vs. Trump Birth Certificate, Gas prices rising, Royal Wedding, No more launches for NASA, 72 Virgins, Charlie Sheen and Two and a Half Men, -- San Francisco may ban male circumcisions, Mariah Carey gives birth to Twins. Brought to you by Eight is NEVER Enough Comedy Troupe. Directed by Laurice Fattal. Featuring Patrick Reidy, Paul Degrocco, Walt Frasier, Chris Catalano, Bill Edwards, Amelia Fowler, Alyson Goodman, Andrew Scannell, Robert Savage.


Royal Wedding osama dead obama birth certificate Donald Trump gas prices NASA osama bin laden entertainment talk show politics discussion obama events charlie sheen current events commentary space barack talking news 72 virgins Mariah Carey twins babies

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