Thursday, April 15, 2010



Wednesday April 14, 2010 wrap-up

This day served as an example of how changing habits versus dieting can make a huge difference and I credit this new blog series for the changes. Mom served COSTO Quiche and Cinnabons for Breakfast - both yummy and gooey. Although the one Quiche was healthier with Egg White with Spinach. The big change, smaller portions. Made numerous trips but each time I had a taster menu size of each otherwise not so great diet foods. Coupled with exercise keeping up with nieces outside playing in the glorious morning sun – not bad. In fact I have yet to really eat DIET FOOD this week. But I have eaten REAL food with much consideration for portion. Before leaving the house I had another taster menu of leftovers from RIO GRANDE (see previous days blog) – few pieces of fajita, small kids quesadilla, and a 2 oz hummus – GREAT IDEA to portion size.

We went to Walmart where I always get a workout while resisting junk. CITY FOLK LOVE WALMART!!! I hope they never bring it to NYC as it will take away the special place it holds in our hearts!!!

At the Greek Restaurant, I continued the TASTER MENU Idea at this awesome buffet of favorites. SHOUT OUT TO SUSAN STREGACK (SP?)! A pleasant surprise to have Susan join us – the cast, my folks, my nieces, plus Ed, Betsy & Susan Matthews. All of who checked out the show at Cloverly ES on Briggs Chaney Road in Silver Spring. Loved catching up on Howard and Sherry’s activities as well as dozens of others from the Montgomery College and DC area Theater Crowd – many of whom are now on or around Broadway. Loved talking a laundry list of successes when so many focus on the failures.

The show was fun. Great crowd there for the book fair check out this evening for students and parents. Showing my local knowledge I made a few Upper County V Lower County and Frederick jokes/references. Reilly, my 2yo niece, would come play a few bass notes every time I sat at the piano. The four year old, Mackenzie, desperately wanted to get on stage. Every time I looked for audience suggestion, she pushed to the center of the crowd of students on the floor, raised hand and yelled, “ME!” For the authors game, Mac suggested Reilly as an author. Amelia took the suggestion. So a two year old join the ranks of Shell Silverstein and JK Rawling telling the original story, “The Martians in Toiletland.” I finally got Mackenzie on stage for FREEZEFRAME. At one point, while posing as a cannon, I engaged Mac in a conversation, whispering about fun the show is. I think she has a crush on Jared. In fact both nieces stared a lot in his direction the past couple days. (SINGING) Young Love….

THEN…. I drove all the way home. Virtually no traffic, we made one stop at the bottom of the New Jersey turnpike. A quick coffee and protein bar finished my daily consumption. We dropped off Amelia Downtown and Jared on the way. Finally pulling in around 2pm, parking was tough. I am typing this as I move the car for 7:30 am street cleaning.
Hope to upload soon and then quickly return to bed!!!

Today’s Consumption Summary

Quiche – 3 small slices
Cinnabon – Portioned way to much but Laurice saved me by taking 1/3 to her plate and belly
COFFEE!!! No milk, no sugar – Mom brews a good cup of joe

2 oz Hummus

Left overs from RIO GRANDE – 1/2small quesadilla
1 flour tortilla
a few pieces of chicken and steak fajita

GREEK BUFFET at Greek Islands, New Hampshire Ave @ Briggs Chaney Road
OK I think I did very well hear all things considered – but I had about ½ what I usually would have had at such an event.
THE BEST BREAD – Homemade and fresh served warm and flaky!!!
PLATE 1 – Greek Salad with some Dolma, Yogurt, Potato and Hummus Dips on the plate
PLATE 2 – Modest amounts of Gyro meat (THE BEST YOU HAVE HAD) and Pastichio with more Greek salad, Dolma and yogurt
PLATE 3 Dessert Sampler
PLATE 4 2 more small pieces of Baklava

Detour Protein Bar & Coffee with Half & Half

Back to a weekend of LMAO. Hope to see you all at the theater.


Shout out to Leslie Jordan, along with his producing entourage, and best wishes as they begin previews this weekend for “LESLIE JORDAN, MY TRIP DOWN THE PINK CARPET”

IMPROV 4 Kids is having a great season and gearing up for very busy summer. Have this amazing program at your school, camp or family event.

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